The Power of Outside Perspective

Camera lens face on implying a new focus on perspective

The Legacy of Angels Foundation (TLOAF) became known to me in 2020, when they inquired about coaching and strategy support to position the foundation for the future.

 Two years later, this small family foundation has added a medical director, created a strategic plan, broadened the expertise and size of their board of directors, reorganized staffing structure and roles, implemented a performance evaluation system. The transformational change of this foundation began with individual coaching across the organization. TLOAF isn’t just positioning themselves for the future, they are creating a purposeful culture.

 TLOAF never lacked commitment or drive toward their vision; but recognized the need for clarity, focus, built-in accountability, and intentionality. To be successful, they knew outside perspective would be necessary.

A common mindset held by nonprofits lies within the belief they can save money by doing everything themselves. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Just because you don’t have to write a check to someone, doesn’t mean there is no cost to your organization. Doing everything in-house also means ideas, critical inquiry, and experiences are being left out of the equation. TLOAF brought in outside perspective on purpose and wanted coaching vs. consulting.

Benefits of outside perspectives:
-Fresh thinking
- Pushing on comfort zones
- Free from internal baggage
- Asking questions, you can’t/won’t because of close entanglement to the work
- Bringing knowledge, relationships, networks & learning from other nonprofit work

How Coaching Differs

Coaching practices the idea that people closest to the problem have the solutions, unlike consulting which is designed around expert advice-giving. When people closest to the challenges surface their own solutions, approaches and strategies, they buy-in, invest and accept responsibility for the results.

Coaching also addresses a primary barrier to change—mindset management and unresolved issues. A coaching approach increases self-awareness by challenging limiting beliefs and false narratives.

 “Until the unconscious becomes conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Carl Yung

 Coaching digs below the surface and uncovers limiting beliefs, misalignments, and stories which are no longer relevant. Coaching supports you in making the unconscious, conscious. A coaching culture creates safe spaces for candid conversation, risk-taking, accountability, and tackling tough issues. Benefits of coaching:
- Increase emotional wellness
- Uncover ideas and solutions
- Improve relationships
- Increase critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Develop strategic mindsets
- Organizational alignment
- Organizational resilience

Coaching Readiness

How do you know if your organization is ready for coaching? If you answer yes to these questions, you are likely ready.
- We are prepared to be honest, vulnerable, open, & committed to making change
- We are prepared to tackle the tough issues & close the gap between where we are now & where we want to be
- We are open to new ideas & new ways of doing things that facilitate positive change & growth
- We are looking for a partner who can share our successes & help us cope with challenges
- We understand that in coaching, the "client does the work," not the coach

Are you ready for coaching? If not, what is getting in your way? Go to INspiring SIGHT


How Do You Know When It’s Change Throwing You Off Balance?


Upstream Thinking: By Asking the Question, We Change the Future