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Articles, Infographics, downloadables, oh my! INspiring SIGHT is always adding new reports and tools. It’s how we stay future-forward.
INspiring SIGHT Created Content
Leadership board members often default to managing instead of governing. Download our 3 Question Challenge© to assess if your board of directors is due for a Governance 101 Training session.
Do you know your Enneagram? It’s a numbered personality system to help you understand your core fears, desires, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The self-awareness tool is beneficial for helping your team influence, develop, and relate to the people they work with.
Take a look at the insights from confidential interviews with 20 nonprofit professionals and board members in an easy-to-read format. What I heard aligns with my observations over 30 years. While not research-based, the Pocket insights are noteworthy and shed light on Three Pervasive Mindsets plaguing the nonprofit sector for decades.
INspiring SIGHT’s one-page StrategyTree© allows organizations to visualize the organizations’ strategic plan as a living document and litmus test for all decision-making. Our process also advances teams through the change associated with implementing strategy.
Deepen Your Learning
The Biggest Mistakes New Nonprofits Make
Is your mission-driven nonprofit more of a social club? A 2024 survey of nonprofit leaders reveals the biggest mistakes new nonprofits make include finding identity, losing focus, and board conflict.
If you’re guilty of these mistakes, don’t worry. Let me help.
10 Proactive Questions Every Board Member Should Be Asking
Boards only see what they’re presented with and can easily become passive recipients of agendas created by powerful CEOs and senior executives. But board members can play a transformational role in a company by asking questions that create a space for deep reflection and strategic change — not just responding to what the executive presents and then stepping in to deal with a crisis when things become difficult.
If you need help knowing how to ask powerful questions, I can help.
Treasurers of All-Volunteer Organizations: 8 Key Responsibilities
Are you one of the 600,000 individuals serving as treasurer for a non-profit organization? Congratulations! It’s a big, complex, data-heavy task. Here are the 8 key responsibilities you have to make sure your organization thrives.
Could your board benefit from some training or coaching on the role of the Treasurer?
Using Imperfect Metrics Well: Tracking Progress and Driving Change
The strategic plan is done. The objectives are clear. The time frame is set. The Board has done its work…until someone utters the word metrics. Strategic plans are most vulnerable not in their development, but in their implementation. And implementation often hinges on some measurable indication of progress. Without those metrics, the plan is a group of intentions always on the verge of greatness. Without hard data on which to anchor organizational outcomes, the organization can wobble off course without a clear warning signal.
This is the single most frequent area where I see good plans fail. Let’s chat.
As existential threats converge, many companies are taking steps to reinvent themselves. Is it enough? And what will it take to succeed?
Nonprofits are not exempt from the impact of threats and the speed of change. Let’s talk.
Accenture Pace of Change Index 2024
The Accenture Pulse of Change Index, built on a range of key business indicators such as labor productivity and IT spending, quantifies the change companies are facing, across six factors - Technology, Talent, Economic, Geopolitical, Climate and Consumer & Social.
The World Economic Forum 2024 Global Risks Report
Although 124 pages long, reports like this are how INspiring SIGHT stays future-forward. The Global Risks Perception Survey captures insights from nearly 1,500 global experts analyzing global risks through three-time frames to support decision-makers in balancing current crises and longer-term priorities.
2024 Current Conditions of Minnesota’s Nonprofit Sector
Nearly 9,000 Minnesota nonprofits generated $108 billion in economic activity in 2023. However, financial stability and demand continue to be major challenges looking into 2024 and beyond.
If any of the findings in this report made you smile, we should talk.
Generational Giving Report by Qgiv
Each generation has unique spending habits, donation preferences, and motivations. This report unveils the differences between Millennials, Gen Z, Gen X, and Baby Boomers.
The Way We Think About Charity is Dead Wrong
Activist and fundraiser Dan Pallotta calls out the double standard that drives our broken relationship to charities. Too many nonprofits, he says, are rewarded for how little they spend -- not for what they get done. Instead of equating frugality with morality, he asks us to start rewarding charities for their big goals and big accomplishments (even if that comes with big expenses). In this bold talk, he says: Let's change the way we think about changing the world.
Quarterly Insights. Long-term Transformation.
You get a lot of emails, but this one is different. Every quarter I bring you actionable insights you can use to improve your work and personal relationships.
Do you need an experienced voice to cultivate change?
The sooner you take action, the sooner your organization can move toward clarity, alignment, and meaningful progress. Let’s begin the conversation and explore how small actions today impact the future.