Kayak in the Lake

Essential Resources, like GPS during your cross-country road trip.

Articles, Infographics, downloadables, oh my! INspiring SIGHT is always adding new reports and tools. It’s how we stay future-forward.

INspiring SIGHT Created Content

Grassy Lake Front with Mountains
  • Leadership board members often default to managing instead of governing. Download our 3 Question Challenge© to assess if your board of directors is due for a Governance 101 Training session.

    Take the Challenge

  • Do you know your Enneagram? It’s a numbered personality system to help you understand your core fears, desires, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The self-awareness tool is beneficial for helping your team influence, develop, and relate to the people they work with.

    Extras About Enneagram

  • Take a look at the insights from confidential interviews with 20 nonprofit professionals and board members in an easy-to-read format. What I heard aligns with my observations over 30 years. While not research-based, the Pocket insights are noteworthy and shed light on Three Pervasive Mindsets plaguing the nonprofit sector for decades.

    Check your ego at the door before reading this one.

  • INspiring SIGHT’s one-page StrategyTree© allows organizations to visualize the organizations’ strategic plan as a living document and litmus test for all decision-making. Our process also advances teams through the change associated with implementing strategy.

    Read Five Reasons Strategic Plans Aren’t Strategic.

Deepen Your Learning

Large Waterfall

Quarterly Insights. Long-term Transformation.

You get a lot of emails, but this one is different. Every quarter I bring you actionable insights you can use to improve your work and personal relationships.

Red Rock Formations
Field of Grass

Do you need an experienced voice to cultivate change?

The sooner you take action, the sooner your organization can move toward clarity, alignment, and meaningful progress. Let’s begin the conversation and explore how small actions today impact the future.