Three Phases of Strategy
Stakeholder Input and Trends
Strategic Plan Design
Implementation, Measurement & Accountability
Our unique strategic planning approach embeds relationship systems coaching, powerful questions, facilitated group discussions, and engages a broad base of stakeholder voices. We teach you how to test for alignment as part of the strategic plan design process.
When done right, strategic planning should energize the organization, build engagement and leave your entire organization knowing they can handle whatever comes their way.
Strategic planning is part strategy, part transition and part change, which is why emotions, stuck thinking, fear, and conflict or tensions can arise as part of the strategic planning process. While it may take slightly longer, sometimes we have to go slow to go fast. It is human nature to define success through tangible actions that can be checked off a list. It is also human nature that in order for sustainable change to occur, it is sometimes necessary to examine and shift thinking, perspective, and mindset.
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