Why Systems' Coaching is Right For Me

Even though I have been coaching for seven years, I had still been searching for a coaching modality that fit best with the essence of who I am as a person, coaching professional, and the type of transformational work I want to facilitate within organizations.

That’s when I discovered Organizational Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC). ORSC fits so well for me because it combines my original training in family system theory, based on the premise that relationships are interdependent and the principles of coaching, which is based on relationship with self and being at choice.

When I think of the many challenges organizations grapple with, a majority have to do with the relationships between and among their people. Whether that’s two individuals, a team, or an entire department. The ORSC approach helps organizations navigate them all. That’s why I traveled between Minneapolis, Denver and Seattle throughout 2023 to become trained in ORSC.

Those who know me know I ask hard questions, poke holes in thinking and disrupt status quo in order to prepare systems for the type of world we now have no choice but to navigate. They also know I listen for what is emerging in people and organizations, helping to make change bearable, sustainable, and dare I say, even enjoyable.

I want to sit in the fire with clients as they navigate complexity, diversity, and change.

ORSC Coaching helps organizations reinterpret existing mental models and create new ones by designing agreements for working together (culture), inviting all voices to contribute (engagement), trying on new perspectives (mindset), and looking to the wisdom of the system for creating next steps and action (purpose).

At its core, ORSC is the study of Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI™) which is really exciting because relationships are the foundation of all aspects of what make our society flourish or falter.

Even the development of AI relies on strong and collaborative relationships. The best working environments focus on creating healthy environments where relationships can thrive. When that exists— engagement, wellness, inclusion, and productivity follow-suit. I believe systems coaching is what will help us get there and I’m all in. Are you? Contact me today!



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